1. Introduction and Acceptance:  By using the site, users agree to abide by the terms outlined.
  2. Content Ownership: All content (articles, images, etc.) on this site belongs to the site owner unless otherwise specified.
  3. User Conduct: Refraining from abusive language, spamming, or posting malicious content.
  4. External Links: The site might contain links to external websites, and users visit those at their own risk. Offoff is not responsible for their content or actions.
  5. Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and isn’t professional advice. Users should consult professionals for specific advice.
  6. Limitation of Liability: The site owner isn’t liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the site.
  7. Changes to Terms: Offoff Reserve the right to modify the terms and notify users of any changes.
  8. Termination: The user’s access to the site might be terminated, such as violating terms or engaging in harmful behavior.